Global Agencies

Global Agencies

UPSEN deployment will require support and endorsements from both technology partners as well as UN bodies that are actively calling for the implementation of “Early Warnings for All”. It is recognized that these global agencies cannot and will not publicly recognize a single solution or vendor of a singular solution. However, based on the escalating human and capital losses inflicted by climate change and the mounting food security crisis membership in a global Not for Profit will speak volumes to the world.

Participation in the ONEWorld UPSEN Alliance will demonstrate to all stakeholders that the global community is collectively collaborating to ensure all humans have a warning system to provide critical information on both climate and human-imposed threats.

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Global Alerts and Government Framework

Global Alerts works with all levels of governments and all mobile carriers to build the platform to ensure the delivery of safety alerts for its citizens. This platform can be established to focus in on missing persons with the police using Amber Alerts or as an early weather warning system in the case of life threatening tsunamis, hurricanes, tornadoes and flood events. UPSEN is the only Global Emergency Management Cell Broadcast system designed to address regional mass messaging regardless of human defined borders.

The world is united in identifying threats to
our society and communities.

What are Global Agencies saying

Today, I announce the United Nations will spearhead new action to ensure every person on Earth is protected by early warning systems within five years. I have asked the World Meteorological Organization to lead this effort and to present an action plan at the next UN climate conference, later this year in Egypt.

Testimonial Item

UN Secretary-General António Guterres

On World Meteorological Day 23 March 2022

Early warnings save lives and provide vast economic benefits. Just 24 hours' notice of an impending hazardous event can cut the ensuing damage by 30 per cent.

Testimonial Item

H.E. Prof. Petteri Taalas

Secretary-General World Meteorological Organization
In 2023, 339 million people in 69 countries will need humanitarian relief. That is 65 million more people than in 2022 — a 25 percent increase. It is the highest number of people requiring humanitarian assistance ever recorded. The cost of the response is $51.5 billion, another all-time record.
Testimonial Item

OCHA Strategic Plan 2023-2026

The GSMA believes that no-one should be left behind in the digital
age and the decisions of WRC-23 will allow us to deliver a brighter
future where mobile brings communities together, delivers industrial
agility and provides economic growth. Implementation of the WRC-23
decisions will support global digital ambitions, deliver greater digital
equality and unlock the full power of connectivity.
Testimonial Item


John Giusti, Chief Regulatory Officer at the GSMA.